Design, manufacturing and analysis of press tool sheet metal punch for defect reduction

Looking towards productivity it requires the improvement of each and every component involved in process and besides that efficiency is also a major contributor in any process. Talking about efficiency, the first we needs to concentrate on process planning and optimization. Process planning of sheet metal part is an important activity in the design of punch. Method of carrying out this task is manual, tedious, time consuming, error-prone and experience based. There are some places where extra input can be provided which will surely add to benefit.  

 As product cycle involves machining process it is sure to have defects, wear and errors.  This leads to rework and quality problem of part. So controlling this defect is the issue of quality.

In order to address wear-oriented problems in punch several countermeasures have been developed. Investigating the wear, defects and errors is initial task. After that remedies and required medications in punch are done as post processing providing surface coating treatments. Looking for the solution within affordable range and feasible for implementation we can provide coating to a punch which will increase some cost but will give better performance for longer span than before. So considering all conditions TIN coating is selected for the punch. Analysis of punch is done in working condition. At last improved productivity, cost reduction and time saved is noticed.