Vehicle dynamics is a study of forces which affects vehicles in motion, Also the study of vehicle responses to those forces.The responses are either natural or driver iduced. In case of the racing car many aspects are ignored which is considered while designing passenger car. As knowing about racing car-they only exists for one man to drive certain fixed distance within minimum time as compared to other racing cars.

Few fields inter-related in which we can divide vehicle dynamics for our porpose

  • Braking Capacity
  • Cornering Power
  • Linear Acceleration
  • Top speed

Braking Capacity

Braking Capcity or linear decceleration is simply turned around acceleration. Power of braking system is transmitted to the surface (road) by all four tires instead of by driving wheel only. As time required to stop vehicle less than to time required to accelerate therefore decceleration is faster than acceleration.

Linear acceleration

The single most important factor in racing is the ability to accelerate faster than the other cars. Linear or straight line acceleration is itself more important than cornering capacity and top speed. Factors affecting ability to acceleration

  • Tractive capacity of driving tires
  • Gross vehicle weight
  • Rolling resistance
  • Net power available at driving wheel
  • Aerodynamic drag
  • Component rotational inertia


Top speed

Now a days, top speed is given so much important as it could appear to be in many forms of racing. Instead of top speed, cornering power and acceleration capacity is much more important. As to maintain a top speed at corner these two factors plays important role. If your vehicle has better lap time and wings to cut down the top end, then is no need to worry about top speed. factors affecting top speed:

  • Rolling resistance
  • Net power available at driving wheel
  • Aerodynamic drag